In Conversation with Tim:

Who is Tim?

Tim Michael Mjete is my name. Thirty-four years old, single man and I love God with all my heart. Very proud to be associated with Him. I’m a leader, an upcoming life coach and a humanitarian with a passion to make the world a better place. I volunteer in centers across the globe working with kids, teenagers and young adults giving them nuggets of wisdom and working together towards improving lives and picking lessons from life. I’m an inspirational writer at This Walk Of Life

What did you do in college? And why did you choose that career path?

Medicine and clinical research. I loved matters clinical from a very young age, my mom was a doctor and so I was raised up around hospitals and that’s how I ended up choosing this path

After college, were you determined to look for a job or you wanted to venture into something else?
I was determined to venture into the field I had studied.

What are your views on entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the way to go in this life. It opens one up to possibilities. Employment can make one rich, but it is entrepreneurship that makes one wealthy. And given a choice between riches and wealth, always go for wealth.

If you didn’t pursue your current career path, what would you have done?

I would have been a detective, probably a CIA agent or FBI. I loved them both. I always knew I had good instincts and I could decode stuff because I’m a person who is always super aware of my environment.

What advice would you give a first-year student?

In your first year of college, it always seems like you have all the time in the world but the truth is you don’t. Maximize on every minute you get, draw a roadmap for your life in campus and be disciplined enough to follow it through

Personal Mantra/Favorite Quote.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King

What Is in Your Hand?
There are two important dates in one’s life.
i. The day you were born
ii. The day you discover why

Have you ever thought about what you’d do with your life if you never needed to work for money? What’s the gift you have that you can use for the benefit of the society?
Exodus 4:2 The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff”
The big question I have for you is, “what’s in your hand?”

See, we all have something in our hands, each of us has been bestowed with something, a talent, a gift and these are accorded to us according to our different abilities.

How do we discover what’s bestowed to us?
i) People
People are a great resource. People point us to the right direction. Be wary of who you hang around. Seek people who push you and bring out the best in you

ii) Circumstances
Challenges have a way of revealing things in us. They make us discover who we really are and what we’re capable of. Pay attention to your circumstances and embrace your challenges. Look at them not as a bad thing but as an opportunity to learn something new.

The amazing thing about what is in your hand is that the size doesn’t matter. Big or small, it is not the issue. What you do with what you have is all that matters. Make maximum use of what you have.

Tim Michael Mjete

7 thoughts on “Staying Grounded

  1. This was a great interview.
    I just love the way Tim introduced himself. He sounds like a man who definitely knows who he is and it is so beautiful👏👏
    Continue with the Lord’s work

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